Since all of us, or most of us like gifts, this means that there is a large volume of demand for the various souvenirs and gifts so we decide to discuss this project idea.
The idea is manufacturing of gifts and souvenirs with a variety of shapes and designs to suit all occasions and tastes and then sell depending on a variety of methods.
Gifts and souvenirs factory's site
You will need to rent a store or a small factory has an area of about 70 square meters or more to be used in the manufacturing process and production of various gifts and store them until selling.Take into account to choose a place close to the paved roads as well as the service sources such as electricity, lighting, sanitation and good natural ventilation.
Required equipment
-You should paint the walls good and clean the place perfectly.
-You should put tables and chairs so that workers use them at work.
-Also take into account the installation of shelves or cabinets to save the tools and the raw materials that ensure no loss or contamination.
-You can customize a small part where you can prepare some drinks and fast foods.
-Air conditioning should be installed to run it in your hot days.
Required raw materials
The project needs many of the raw materials, which are important in producing various gifts as fabrics, picture frames, decorative ribbons, interior padding, bushings, strong paper, scraps of paper, beads and other materials.
Required tools
To produce a variety of high-quality gifts and souvenirs will need many tools such as scissors, various adhesive materials, sewing tools and colors, and other tools, you will also need special packages for packaging and packing.
What can be produced?
You can do many products such as all kinds of accessories, bags canvas, wallets, small brides, other beautiful gifts, and you can get many of designs and beautiful ideas across the searching on the internet and then implement them and take into account, of course, adding special touches to get different Fig.
Required labor
The project will need to nearly five employees experts in the handicraft and artifacts manufacture in general and the manufacture of gifts and souvenirs in particular, of course you can get them through sharing ads on the Internet or in a private employment magazines or by agreement with one of the specialized centers of craftsmen training.
Marketing and selling of gifts and souvenirs
You can sell to gifts shops near the project, as you can deal with shops that sell women's requirements, in addition, you can take photos for gifts and share them on various social network pages. Also, you can participate in exhibitions or open gifts shop specialized in selling products of the project.
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